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Latest Work

Wednesday, 13 July 2016 14:38 Written by  Jeannette Betancourt

1. Supplements | reproduction in resin of food supplements and complements | large yellow gel pill: 43.5 Ø x 36 cm., large red gel pill: 30 Ø x 38 cm., small yellow and red gel pill: 33.5 Ø x 22 cm. each, yellow tablet: 72 x 25.5 x 12.5 cm., round tablet: 24 Ø x 9 cm., green tablet: 8 x 12 x 29.5 cm. y beige tablet: 8.5 x 11.3 x 24 cm. | 2015

2. Timeless state of food I | 18 bronze sculpture and glass and wood table | 110 x 160 x 40 cm. | 2014

3. Time line | relief made of used kitchen pots and utensils mounted on a wooden back. | 2014

4. Main dish |intervention made meters away from the migration post between Mexico and the United States at Tecate, Baja California with dishes, pewter plates and spoons, aluminum tray and lettering | 147 cm. Ø x 5 cm. de high.

Read 2242 times Last modified on Wednesday, 13 July 2016 14:40