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You will touch the edge of the bed

Monday, 03 August 2015 10:58 Written by Aura Moreno

You will touch the edge of the bed, is one of the text lines of the exquisite novel Aura written by Mexican writer Carlos Fuentes. It is from this idea that started a dialogue between the story happenings and the creative process that lead me to the creation of the exhibition. The intention was not the illustration of the novel but to make the imaginative exercise of tending creative and rizomatic roots beyond what was already written in Aura and what I imagine could have happened.

The visual exhibition took place in the Art Center of the UAQ, in Querétaro city on September 2012 .The resulting opera was: 14 paintings, 50 etchings, one artist book, one grafoflexia, one video and one installation.

Al filo de la cama took maybe two years on preparation but maybe that time is much more because since I met the novel it nested in my heart. A transference of imaginary, doubts, affinities and curiosities have walked with me with it´s magic.

My mother´s name was Aura Matilde, my grandmother choose it because a small romantic novel Aura y las violetas she read around 1930,s. Aura Matilde was a beautiful woman with clear green eyes like water over the light. My parents named me Aura Francisca and my daughter Aura Cecilia has green Nile eyes. So the images talk also about memory and female generation connections.

During the creation process, a time of turning point issues settled around my life: the novel and life created appropriations between each other. In 2012 Aura Matilde died, Carlos Fuentes died too while Aura, the novel became 50 years old.

Read 2335 times Last modified on Monday, 03 August 2015 11:01