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I and I

Friday, 07 March 2014 11:34 Written by Patricia Couto

Fictitious Horizons / Possible scenarios

In my images I ask questions or propose meaningful lies, attempting to make reality a scenario in which I construct new connections to the known world, using my own action.

Photography is the medium through which I have disrupted the meanings of reality, by altering and intervening, a fundamental concept in the development of my projects. In my work, intervening is a procedural act, a rite of approximation, an action, a personal act enabling me to approach the space and scrutinize the object or event. By intervening with the camera (photographing) I seek to access a given time, and select then remove, reconstruct, reinvent and resignify.

Photography enables me to explore and record the world, to confront what I have seen and experienced with what I have thought; to play with concepts such as presence and absence, marks, traces, moments, events and states. For me, photography is the practice of intervening, interpreting and reconstructing my own model of reality. The images in my work not only show how I see, but also think and act out reality. These become constructed documents, memory archives.

Fictitious Horizons or Possible Scenarios is a collection of the work carried out in the last six years, comprising three series whose titles indicate my intentions: Marks and Traces, Moments/ Events/ States and Actions and Interventions.


"I and I" es un proyecto fotográfico que se a desarrollado a lo largo de 10 años, y que tiene como referente principal  el concepto del  I and I rastafari (YO y YO), este juego de palabras significa la unidad entre 2 es un estado de conexión, introspección que permite reconocer la implicaciones sociales de nuestros actos como hombr@s. Desde este parámetro considere pertinente  hacer un registro (auto retrato) de estos momentos de angustiosa claridad que te ofrece seguir un proceso creativo. El panoptico se ha invertido...la cámara apunta al no al exterior, no al otro sino con el otro en uno ... YO y YO
Read 2967 times Last modified on Friday, 07 March 2014 11:38