Memories of the everyday

Friday, 14 February 2014 11:14 Written by Alejandra Zermeño

The speed and indifference that characterize life in a large city make it difficult to experience memory in an active, daily manner. In this frenzied lifestyle we often overlook the small actions and situations which, though apparently insignificant, can transform our relationship with the environment. Memories of the Everyday refers to the ephemeral, everyday experiences undergone by the inhabitants of large cities. Taking the body as a starting point, the exhibition focuses on the body as a subject, object and place. In the exhibition, the installations are dramatic and gripping. The space is defined and articulated by groups and solitary figures - concrete, resin, polyurethane foam, material and wool - and empty spaces that could contain bodies. Discovering these presences and absences, the viewer is urged not to be a passive spectator and instead to become a part of the work, walking through it or around it, exploring and negotiating spaces.

Memories of the Everyday acts as an invitation to a journey through various emotional states, exploring the limits of the body as a habitable space in itself. The work invites us to reflect on our own bodies in relation to the world, on urban architectural structures and environments, on the roads along which we journey visually, and how we react when confronted with the daily events that provoke uncontrollable mental states.
Read 2438 times Last modified on Friday, 14 February 2014 11:22